Get Involved!

Make a Donation
You can make a donation through our secure PayPal account.
Every contribution helps. Thank you!

Serve on a Speaker Panel
Throughout the year, UAM invites professionals to speak with students in classes, on panels and as part of special events. These opportunities are key to helping our students make connections and understand the relevance of their courses in real-life. Speakers may deliver a presentation on a particular topic, engage in a Q&A session or facilitate a discussion on an issue.
• Requested Commitment: 1 time per year with opportunities for follow-up.
Possible speaking opportunities include, but are not limited to: UAM Career Day, UAM College Transition Day, Media Classes.
• For more information contact Felipe Pineda:
212-501-1112 •

Serve as an Evaluator
UAM students make presentations of their work multiple times during the year. The value of these performances is deepened when outside evaluators participate and provide students with feedback. Evaluators may participate in students’ Academic Round Tables, Media Presentations or in-class debates and presentations.
• Requested Commitment: 1 time per year with opportunities for follow-up
• Individuals interested in being an evaluator please contact Delia Veve:
212-501-1144 •

Consult on Curriculum
UAM’s teachers strive to offer engaging curriculum that develop students’ college ready skills while exploring the connections between their courses and an understanding of the relevance of their education at school. Curriculum consultants provide the perspective of working professionals, which helps teachers align the content of their classes to relevant real-world topics.
• Requested Commitment: 2-3 hours in person
• Individuals interested in being an evaluator please contact Delia Veve 212-501-1144

Host a Field-trip
At UAM we believe that expanding the walls of the classroom through field trips is a crucial way for students to understand the relevance of what they learn in the classroom. Real-world experiences that include visiting museums, galleries and professional work places, allow students to make connections between their school experience and the larger world.
• Requested Commitment: 1 opportunity per year
• Individuals / organizations interested in hosting a fieldtrip should contact Delia Veve:
212-501-1144 •

Host an Intern
Internships are an opportunity for UAM students to gain knowledge of career opportunities and learn what professions interest them. This experience helps students to gain perspective and develop professional skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
• Requested Commitment: at least three weeks during the summer and/or at least one afternoon per week during the school year
• Individuals / organizations interested in hosting a fieldtrip should contact Delia Veve:
212-501-1144 •
In addition, to volunteer your time or to help in any way contact our Principal Delia Veve: 212-501-1144 •